Independent Research

I found this article which talks about the previous and upcoming technolgies which has chnages the film industry drastically. From 3D to 4D, every year there is some sort of 'advanced' technology used into producing a film. Tablets and iPad are becoming an popular equipment in filming a movie.

'It’s clear that the industry is simply adapting, shifting towards two polar points: higher-quality visual and sensorial experiences in the theater that aim to blow audiences’ brains out, and increasingly personal, high-tech and decentralized movie experiences at home.

How has Digital Technology changed the film industry? at First Light

How has Technology influenced The Film Industry?

I found this article quite interesting as it informs me on how the film industry is expanding more and more into making films with the latest technology and gadgets around them. From the 3D to IMAX screens, each year the film industry somehow uses one modern technology in a successful movie.
Graphic Works in movies have become muich sharper and neater, furthermore looking more realistic than what movies with special effects 5 years ago.
Gadgets like the iPad, Cannon Cameras, iPhone and Tablets have been used to caputre movie scenes as well as editing clips.

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